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 apo sur les vampires

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 2591
Age : 52
Localisation : 0618296979 / TOULOUSE
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2005

apo sur les vampires Empty
MessageSujet: apo sur les vampires   apo sur les vampires EmptyDim 22 Fév - 15:06

Aprés notre entame de discution a ce sujet hier soir, j'ai rééxaminer le texte officiel il me semble que rien n'empéche un apo de soigner un vampire...néamoins je demande confirmation aux instances compétantes mon anglais étant vraiment intuitif...
Ainsi que me confirmer que le jet d'apo ce fais bien aprés l'éventuel régénération loupé merci.
An Apothecary is a healer wise in the ways of medicine and the
healing arts who looks after the injured players in a Blood Bowl
team – and so has a strenuous and full-time job! It costs 50,000
gold pieces to purchase an Apothecary to permanently look after
your team during a match. He may be represented by an
appropriate Citadel miniature if you wish. A team may not have
more than one purchased Apothecary. Khemri, Necromantic,
Nurgle and Undead teams may not purchase or use an

During a match, an Apothecary may attempt to cure a player
who has suffered a Casualty. An Apothecary can be used only
once per match. Immediately after the player suffers the
Casualty, you can use the Apothecary to make your opponent
roll again on the Casualty table (see page 25) and then you
choose which of the two results to apply. If the player is only
Badly Hurt after this roll (even if it was the original Casualty roll)
the Apothecary has managed to patch him up and pump him full
of painkillers so that the player may be moved into the Reserves
Instead of purchasing an Apothecary, Necromantic and Undead
teams use the services of a Necromancer. The Necromancer is
free to the team and allows the team once per a match to ‘Raise
the Dead’. If a player on the opposing team with Strength 4 or
less that does not have Regeneration or Stunty is killed during
the match (after Apothecary attempt if any) then the team may
immediately place a new Zombie player in the Reserves box of
their dugout (this may cause a team to have more than 16
players for the remainder of the match). During Step 5 of
Updating Your Team Roster (see page 29), you may add this
player to your roster for free if you have less than 16 players on
the team. A free Zombie still counts at full value towards the
team value.
Regeneration (Extraordinary)
If the player suffers a Casualty result on the Injury table, then roll a D6
for Regeneration after the roll on the Casualty table and after any
Apothecary roll if allowed. On a result of 1-3, the player suffers the result

of this injury. On a 4-6, the player will heal the injury after a short period
of time to 're-organise' himself, and is placed in the Reserves box
instead. Regeneration rolls may not be re-rolled. Note that opposing
players still earn Star Player points as normal for inflicting a Casualty
result on a player with this skill, even if the result doesn't affect the player
in the normal way.
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Orga du Rugbowl à vie

Nombre de messages : 3602
Age : 46
Localisation : 06 87 95 52 04 Fenouillet
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

apo sur les vampires Empty
MessageSujet: Re: apo sur les vampires   apo sur les vampires EmptyDim 22 Fév - 15:21

ca veut dire que tu peux utiliser l'apo sur un joueur qui a regeneration si tu en as un, donc oui pour les vampires...
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Nombre de messages : 1871
Age : 48
Localisation : L'hopital-Sainte Livrade-06 87 79 32 57
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2007

apo sur les vampires Empty
MessageSujet: Re: apo sur les vampires   apo sur les vampires EmptyDim 22 Fév - 16:53

par contre je comprens que l'apo se fait avant.

"Regeneration (Extraordinary)
If the player suffers a Casualty result on the Injury table, then roll a D6
for Regeneration after the roll on the Casualty table and after any
Apothecary roll if allowed"

Regen apres le jet de blessure et apres l'apo (si autorisé)
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Marco Gianni
Marco Gianni

Nombre de messages : 4214
Age : 50
Localisation : Montrabé 0621101018
Date d'inscription : 12/11/2005

apo sur les vampires Empty
MessageSujet: Re: apo sur les vampires   apo sur les vampires EmptyDim 22 Fév - 18:41

c'est exact en effet.

nb : j'ai déplacé le sujet dans le forum approprié Wink
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apo sur les vampires Empty
MessageSujet: Re: apo sur les vampires   apo sur les vampires EmptyDim 22 Fév - 19:34

Par contre c'est triste de ne pas pouvoir utiliser son apo sur une blessure de rocher, non ?... Wink

Ok, je sors. Arrow
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MessageSujet: Re: apo sur les vampires   apo sur les vampires Empty

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apo sur les vampires
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