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 NAF European Team Open hosting

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Team España
Team España

Nombre de messages : 8
Age : 42
Localisation : El Prat de Llobregat
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2009

NAF European Team Open hosting Empty
MessageSujet: NAF European Team Open hosting   NAF European Team Open hosting EmptyJeu 19 Avr - 8:40

Hello all,

First, I want to apologize for writting it in english. My french level is sub-zero so I hope you could forgive me.

This message is just to comment you (Les Azes as a group) the possibility to host the European Team Open (as NAF event).

This European Team Open is an idea to promote more the traveling of BB comunities taking advantadge of NAF WC success. It will be an event comparable to NAF WC (international team tournament) at an european level.

Pippy, the responsible for NAF tournaments, asked about to make this event in a rotational way hosted by already existing team tournaments instead of doing it independently.

In this way, I am pulsing the opinion of the team tournament organizers (Rugbowl, Lutece Cup, Dream Teams mainly) in order to know if you're interested in this rotational set up.

The European Team Open will be every four years, so if most of existing team tournaments are interested, you only probably will host it once (three tournaments means every 12 years if no new team tournaments join).

I preferred to post it as public message to note it to all of you (I am not aware about who are actually the responsibles of Rugbowl).

Feedback from you will be appreciate.


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NAF European Team Open hosting Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NAF European Team Open hosting   NAF European Team Open hosting EmptyJeu 19 Avr - 9:51

Hola Pako !

The Rugbowl is managed by "new members"of our association, as me, with the support of the AZES (MarcoGianni, GrosBenDesBois, Jeff, G16 ...).

Note that this year, the tournament will take place on the week-end of 18-19th August in a new farm.

Just visit the website of the Rugbowl for more information : www.lesazes.com/rugbowl8/

Then, about this idea of a NAF European Tournament, i think we have to talk about that in the Azes association and with the french bloodbowl community (http://teamfrancebb.positifforum.com/)


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Team España
Team España

Nombre de messages : 8
Age : 42
Localisation : El Prat de Llobregat
Date d'inscription : 11/08/2009

NAF European Team Open hosting Empty
MessageSujet: Re: NAF European Team Open hosting   NAF European Team Open hosting EmptyJeu 19 Avr - 10:31

Yes, for sure I expect a while for discussing this issue.

Let me know about your thougts.

Just take into account that it will not be a pass through for you. I mean we (me and NAF) will be still involved in support you in terms of managing, refereeing and so on.

The idea is to encourage coaches arround europe to join a particular tournament every 4 years to feel again the WC spirit.

Just let me know. Thank you for your time.

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MessageSujet: Re: NAF European Team Open hosting   NAF European Team Open hosting Empty

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