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 FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012

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MessageSujet: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyLun 29 Oct - 8:41

Hi friends,

this post is for those guys that will be in Italy in that period and want launch some dice with us!!!!

FULGINIUM BOWL 6, the only 7 matches Italian tournament is coming back!!!!

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Copertinavolantinoingle

The rulebook used is the LRB6 with the following exception:
Inducements and special cards are not allowed. The only exception is the halfling master chef only for the halfling teams and bribes for goblin teams.
Magic Healing rule is applied: all the casualties inflicted during a game are regenerated for the next match.
Necromantic and Undead teams that raise a Zombie, they may add it to the roster only for that match.
Nurgle teams may NOT add free rotters.
There is no “illegal procedure”.
There is no four-minutes time limit.
The duration of the match is set at 2,15 hours. After that time the referee may decide to stop the match.

“Lu Rerroll dellu Centru dellu Campu”
Because of its central position, in the middle of Umbria region and of Italy, Foligno, is also called “Lu Centru dellu Munnu”, which means the center of the world. No bloodbowl pitch can escape from this “rule”, so every team will have a special Team Reroll which can be used (once per half) only to reroll a legal (no armour/injury rolls and so on) event occurred on the 2 central lines of the pitch. That reroll is called “reroll dellu centru dellu campu” (reroll of the center of the pitch). This RR can be used only for actions that begins or ends in one of the squares on the scrimmage line and between the wide zones.
“Lu Miscugliu dellu Tartufaru”
Umbria is a region rich of traditions as for tastes and flavours, the energy-giving and stimulating qualities of the products of this land are well-known by the coaches, so some of this products are became a sort of “natural doping”.
Two of these substances are produced by a local tuber (truffles) and are “Salsa de Tartufo Niro” and “Salsa de Tartufo Biancu” (sauces of black and white truffles).
In occasion of the Fulginium Bowl all the coaches use these “natural doping”. Each coach can choose, before the first match, ONE of his players listed as Generic/Linemen (position 0-16) and give him ONE of this two substance:
“Salsa de Tartufo Niro”: the player is pervaded by an unstoppable smania to do, run, jump and beat, so they are considered to have the skill JUMP UP;
“Salsa de Tartufo Biancu”: the player goes in a status of ecstasy and omnipotence, so they are considered to have the skill JUGGERNAUT;

Every coach have 1.000.000 golden crowns to build his team, choosing from the 21 official races and the 3 new experimental races: Caos Pact, Underworld, Slann (but only if the miniature are easy to recognize)

Skills, are 5 normal and 1 double (or 2 normal if you choose of do not use the double) are so allotted: 2 normal skills and 1 double skill (or two normal skills) before the start of the first match, 2 normal skills before the start of the fourth match, 1 normal skill before the start of the sixth match,. Each player can have only one additional skill. All the skills progression may be decided after that you have seen your opponent.
For the stunty teams only (Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, Lizardmen without Saurus, Underworld without Skaven): all the normal skills can be changed into double skill, if assigned to stunty players.

All the miniatures chosen to represent players have to be easily recognizable. A human can represent a norse, a wood elf can represent a pro elf, but an amazon can’t represent an orc…

The tournament is based on the swiss system, and consist of 7 matches. There are prizes for the first ranked, second and third, top scorer, best defence, top killer (most blocking casualties), best stunty team (stunty team are considered: Halfling, Goblin, Ogre, Lizardmen without Saurus, Underworld without Skaven). Note: there will be stunty team prize only if there will be at least 2 stunty teams in the tournament), best race team (Note: this prize will be awarded only if there are at least 2 teams of the same race in the tournament, example: if there are 2 nurgle teams, the prize for the best nurgle team will be awarded)

Score is so calculated;
Victory 5 points
Draw 2 points
Defeat 0 points
Conceding -5 points (5 points to the opponent for classification)


1. 50 points system (30 points +/- 10 for victory/defeat, +/- 3 points for touchdown made/suffered, +/1 point for casualty made/suffered, for a max total of 50 points and a minimum of 0 points);
2. Touchdown difference;
3. Casualties difference;
4. Touchdowns;
5. Casualties;
6. Draw ;

To be named as “Sventrapapere” in the local dialect of Foligno means more or less “I do it Better!!!”. So this special prize is assigned to the coach that at the end of the tournament will have the bigger total obtained by the sum of Touchdowns and: Casualties and K.O. resulting by Blocks/Blitzs, Casualties and K.O. resulting by Fouls and by players pushed out of the pitch, (in this last case is considered valid a following results by the crowd: no injury=reserve). Are not valid Casualties and K.O. resulting by failed “dodge” o “go for it!”. In the report paper of the match, there is a specific space were to sign the “Casualties” of the “Sventrapapere”.

Saturday, March 2th
• 09,00 Registration and roster check
• 09,30 1st match
• 11,45 lunch (until 13,00)
• 13,00 2nd match
• 15,30 3rd match
• 18,00 4th match

Sunday, March 3th
• 09.30 5th match
• 11,45 6th match first half
• 12,50 lunch
• 14,00 6th match second half
• 15,10 7th match
• 17,30 prize awarding

It will be possible to register at the tournament until Thursday 28 February 2013 (we have the possibility to give hospitality to 60 coach max) In order to registrate you need to communicate: name, NAF nick and number, team name and race, nationality. Friday 1 march it will be possible consult online the first round of matches (http://bbforum.info/forum/index Tornei section, Fulginium Bowl 6 topic). For the registration send an e-mail to this address : alecalx63@gmail.com.

The cost of registration to the tournament is 20 euros for NAF members or 25 euros for non NAF members. At the moment of the registration we’ll give you a set of 5 custom dice (2d6 and 3 block dice) produced only for the Fulginium Bowl in only 60 sets, and one special reroll token (Reroll “dellu Centru dellu Campu”).

The tournament will be played at the Hotel-Restaurant L’ULIVO , address via Monte Bianco 23, Matigge di Trevi (PG), Italy, tel and fax +39.0742.78969, http://www.borgoulivo.it , info@borgoulivo.it

The Hotel-Restaurant L’ULIVO has made us a special offer for the tournament with different solution: contact directly the hotel by e-mail looking for Maurizio and use as reference Blood Bowl / Alessandro


These are the price of the special offer for different solutions:

• Quadruple room: 85 euros per person (each extra night with breakfast +25 euros per person);
• Triple room: 90 euros per person (each extra night with breakfast +30 euros per person);
• Double room: 95 euros per person (each extra night with breakfast +35 euros per person);



The nearest airport is Perugia (Sant’Egidio) which is a Ryanair hub, connected to London-Stansted and Girona.
The airport is 35 minutes drive from the venue.

Others airport are Rome (about 150km), Florence (about 180km), Bologna (about 250 km) and Falconara (about 130km)

I hope to see you ..


Sezione Tornei : Fulginium Bowl 6

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/85554007/Fulginium%20Bowl%20%20infopack%20ENGLISH.pdf link to download the infopack;

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Dadifb6 the dice of this edition;

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Campodeathbowlfbwinner one of the prizes for the winner, another version a little modified will be extracted by raffle.

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Img0028lf and a lot of prizes offered by one of our sponsors: KR
the prize offered by GREEBO Wink
FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Volmarteam16 VOLMARIAN TEAM

best regards LEONIDA

greetings to the Marco Gianni and all the others French guys that I know

Dernière édition par LEONIDA963 le Mar 22 Jan - 15:02, édité 2 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyLun 29 Oct - 13:22

Thank you LEONIDA to advertise us.

I hope we can manage to send some players at your tournament despite of the distance between Toulouse and Perugia Wink
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FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyLun 29 Oct - 13:30

J'ai profité de mon 1/4h de pause repas pour chercher un moyen de rejoindre Perugia depuis toulouse. Résultat :

11h de voiture (on oublie)
vol Toulouse - Rome par Easyjet + location de voiture ou co-voiturage avec d'autres joueurs. Environ 4h (2h de vols, y compris enregistrement, etc +150 km)

Le billet sur easy-jet est à moins de 100 €
une loc de voiture sur 1 we ça doit valoir dans les 150 €

Soit le cout du tournoi à environ 250 €/pers (inscription, logement, repas, trajet) pour 4 (dans la même voiture et la même chambre).

Bon qui est motivé ? Smile
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyLun 29 Oct - 14:03

NodeR a écrit:
J'ai profité de mon 1/4h de pause repas pour chercher un moyen de rejoindre Perugia depuis toulouse. Résultat :

11h de voiture (on oublie)
vol Toulouse - Rome par Easyjet + location de voiture ou co-voiturage avec d'autres joueurs. Environ 4h (2h de vols, y compris enregistrement, etc +150 km)

Le billet sur easy-jet est à moins de 100 €
une loc de voiture sur 1 we ça doit valoir dans les 150 €

Soit le cout du tournoi à environ 250 €/pers (inscription, logement, repas, trajet) pour 4 (dans la même voiture et la même chambre).

Bon qui est motivé ? Smile

are the some costs that we have substained when we came to Rugbowl , by "voitoure", but we were motivated to try a new tournament and to met new peoples Wink Smile
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Nombre de messages : 1315
Age : 42
Localisation : basso cambo
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2007

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyLun 29 Oct - 14:36

heu juste pour les calculs : 150€ la voiture /4 = 40€

soit 140€ le WE et pas 250/personne
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Nombre de messages : 3112
Localisation : Lafourguette
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2009

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyLun 29 Oct - 16:56

communiste a écrit:
heu juste pour les calculs : 150€ la voiture /4 = 40€

soit 140€ le WE et pas 250/personne
C'est parce qu'il compte le prix de l'hôtel et du tournoi avec.

Je vais à Rome bientôt et en s'y prenant à l'avance le vol est à 60€ A/R, mais avec départ jeudi et retour lundi, le week-end c'est plus cher.

Ca me tenterait bien ce genre de tournoi, mais l'addition est salée et j'ai plus de congés donc... Sad
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Nombre de messages : 1315
Age : 42
Localisation : basso cambo
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2007

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyLun 29 Oct - 18:58

Autant pour moi Smile
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyMar 30 Oct - 17:02

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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyMar 6 Nov - 18:21

the prize offered by GREEBO Wink
FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Volmarteam16 VOLMARIAN TEAM

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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyMar 20 Nov - 17:22

Hello boys, this is another new of Fulginium Bowl: the dice of the WINNER!!!
So if you’ll meet in a tournament a coach with this dice, it means only a thing , is a winner of an edition of Fulginium Bowl.
There is only a way to have this dice, win a Fulginium Bowl!!!
Regards Leonida

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Dadiwinner

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MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyVen 23 Nov - 19:14

Great idea ! Wink

And what about the touristic spots near the tournament for those who would come with wife and children ?
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyVen 23 Nov - 22:15

NodeR a écrit:
Great idea ! Wink

And what about the touristic spots near the tournament for those who would come with wife and children ?

Hi Noder, I have sent a PM on the Italian Forum !!! Wink
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FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptySam 24 Nov - 10:57

Et voici la reponse de Leonida pour ceux que ça intéresse égakement :
Hi NodeR,

yes we are in the heart of the medieval Italy, we are about 15 km fromMontefalco and Spello, 20 km from Assisi (the town of San Francesco), 20 km from Spoleto, 40 km from Perugia,60 km fromGubbio, Todi and Orvieto, all this in Umbria the region in the center of Italy, out of Umbria we are 150 km from Rome and 180km from Florence

I hope to see you and many other french guys

regards Leonida
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012

FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyLun 26 Nov - 9:36

NodeR a écrit:
Et voici la reponse de Leonida pour ceux que ça intéresse égakement :
Hi NodeR,

yes we are in the heart of the medieval Italy, we are about 15 km fromMontefalco and Spello, 20 km from Assisi (the town of San Francesco), 20 km from Spoleto, 40 km from Perugia,60 km fromGubbio, Todi and Orvieto, all this in Umbria the region in the center of Italy, out of Umbria we are 150 km from Rome and 180km from Florence

I hope to see you and many other french guys

regards Leonida

I have forgotten Norcia (about 60km) the town of San Benedetto, where is born the art of "norcineria" (production of ham and delicatessen) and where you can find the only Italian trappist beer, produced in the monastery of San Benedetto. And the zone of Montefalco that is famous for two Italian red wines: the "Sagrantino" and "Rosso of Montefalco", and there is the possibilty to visit the farm where is producted. Other appreciatous typical products of Umbria are genuine olive oil and truffles.
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY   FULGINIUM BOWL 6 - 2013 march 2/3 ITALY EmptyMar 22 Jan - 15:03

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