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Blood Bowl World Champions 2007
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 Naf ET BB2

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 7335
Age : 51
Localisation : Côte pavée - 0616726283
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Naf ET BB2 Empty
MessageSujet: Naf ET BB2   Naf ET BB2 EmptySam 13 Juin - 20:21

NAF Response to rule changes in BB2 facebooktwittergoogle_plusmail
6 Replies

nafshieldFrom Cyanide pre-release publicity for Blood Bowl 2 it is apparent that they are making some rule changes to the game. So far we are aware of a new race (Bretonnians) and at least one positional change (Human Catchers becoming AV8).

The rules for NAF Sanctioning of a tournament remain the same. It is assumed that the Competition Rules Pack (CRP) plus the three new races will be used. Any deviation from this basic standard needs to be stated in the rules pack that is submitted to the Tournament Director before the tournament is sanctioned. If the changes to the basic standard are deemed to take the tournament too far away from CRP then the tournament will not be sanctioned.

Tournaments may be sanctioned if the rules pack includes a new race (Khorne, Brettonians, Apes) or any changes to the rosters (inc new Star Players), but this is at the Tournament Director’s discretion.

Matches against non-official races are not currently included in the database, so do not count for rankings. The rankings will be ported to the new website, which is currently in development, and at this point a decision will be made about the inclusion of any new races.

NAF Committee
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Nombre de messages : 7335
Age : 51
Localisation : Côte pavée - 0616726283
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Naf ET BB2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Naf ET BB2   Naf ET BB2 EmptySam 13 Juin - 20:22

Honnêtement moi les receveurs humains AV8, je pense que ça serait pas mal pour l'équipe...
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Nombre de messages : 3112
Localisation : Lafourguette
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2009

Naf ET BB2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Naf ET BB2   Naf ET BB2 EmptyDim 14 Juin - 12:17

Ça aurait été mieux Ag4 Wink
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Naf ET BB2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Naf ET BB2   Naf ET BB2 Empty

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