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 IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14]

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Nombre de messages : 13
Age : 42
Localisation : Spain - Irun (Hendaye frontière)
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2009

IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] Empty
MessageSujet: IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14]   IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] EmptyLun 18 Jan - 15:35

Hi everyone, pardonez moi parce que mon Français est tres mal Embarassed

We have finally fixed the IrunGoBBowl 2010 tourney in Irun the 13-14 of march.
It will be 4 matches on saturday and 2 matches on sunday, so everyone can part at (spanish) lunch time. Smile
We are still polishing the rules, which as always will benefit slightly Stunties in general and Goblins in particular. But no cards this year! Smile
It will be used the 6.0 rules. Yeah, crappy khemri and nerfed woodies/undead.

We will post the complete ruleset along this week!

Your Basque french mates will come for sure! hehe... well, I don't really know, but it's 20 minutes away from their home... Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Nombre de messages : 13
Age : 42
Localisation : Spain - Irun (Hendaye frontière)
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2009

IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14]   IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] EmptyMar 26 Jan - 11:34

Hi everyone!
here the rules in english, sorry the web is not online but we have some issues with our hosting... Embarassed

Citation :
The last Living Rule Book edition (6.0) will be used, with the following exceptions:

1. You can use the official NAF teams: Human, Orc, Dwarf, High Elves, Skaven, Dark Elves, Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Undead, Amazon, Goblins, Halflings, Wood Elves, Necromantic, Elves, Nurgle, Khemri, Norse, Ogre, Vampire and Lizardmen. But also the new three NAF sanctioned teams:Chaos Pact, Slann and Underworld.

2. The trainers have 1.000.000 gold pieces for their team. They also have 120.000 G.P. to spend in skills, max. 20.000 G.P. in each player.

3. Depending on the theoretical competitivity of the team, additional benefits are given:

* Proplayers group: No additional benefits (TR112). Amazon, Dark Elves, Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarf, Chaos Dwarf, Lizardmen, Undead, Norse, Orcs, Skaven.

* Sad but Used group: +40.000 G.P. (TR116) for purchasing skills and/or adding to the treasury. Up to 40.000 G.P. in skills for each player. High Elves, Chaos, Underworld, Human, Nigromantic, Nurgle, Chaos Pact, Slann.

* Awful but Charismatic group: +60.000 G.P. (TR118) for purchasing skills and/or adding to the treasury or the alternative benefit for each race. Up to 50.000 G.P. in skills for each player.

  • Goblin: two free Bribes (TR122)

  • Halfling: free Halfling Cheff (TR122)

  • Lizardmen without Saurus: no alternative benefits. Additional benefits: Bribes cost 50.000 G.P. and the Kroxigor drops the Loner skill (TR118)

  • Underworld withour Skavens: no alternative benefits. Additional benefits: Bribes cost 50.000 G.P. and the Troll drops the Loner skill (TR118)

  • Khemri: up to 4 Tomb Guardians get the grab skill (TR120)

  • Ogre: up to 5 Snotlings get the Sure Feet skill (TR122)

  • Vampire: up to 5 Thralls get the Sneaky Git skill (TR122)

If any irregularity is discovered in the team roster creation (intended or not), up to 5 points will be discounted from the final classification.

4. Participants will play the whole tourney with the same roster: no experience and no G.P. are earned. All the Casualties suffered by any team will be ignored for the following matches. The starting roster will be restored. Even though, Apothecaries can be useful for player recovery during each match.

5. The use of Inducements is allowed. Coaches which purchase Cards will have to bring their own card deck.

6. Gobbos surely love gobbos: any team with one goblin in their roster will recieve a free +1 Fan Factor, and any team participating in the stunty cathegory will recieve a free +2 Fan Factor, +1 Cheerleader and +1 Assistant Coaches. Accumulative.

7. In the caves, everything can happen: the gobs crowding the caves have no education nor fear of causing chaotic situations. Each team will recieve a free and random 50.000 G.P. card for each of their matches. This card will be provided by the organization (this year Poker cards will be used in order to avoid last year's translating problems).

8. Gobbos love Freaks: Any team which the day of the tournament is the only team of their race will recieve +1 Cheerleader.
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Nombre de messages : 13
Age : 42
Localisation : Spain - Irun (Hendaye frontière)
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2009

IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14]   IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] EmptyJeu 4 Fév - 9:08

Hi everyone!

Web page is online!


as the teams names and players in the forms are in spanish, you can do as you did last year and send me the rosters attached in an e-mail, to irungobbowl(at)gmail(dot)com. But please, insert your nickname, NAF number and the team race in the web so I we can count you!

BTW, for lunch we will make a "lunch" at the same place, sandwitches, olives, chips, potato omelette, and so on. Already payed by the inscription! If you would like something french (saucisson cuit or french cheese or things like that), tell me, as I can go to Hendaye to buy it Smile

Of course, you are free to eat wherever you want if you preffer a hot meal, hehe

If you need the IBAN and those evil numbers of hell, I can send them by MP.

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Nombre de messages : 13
Age : 42
Localisation : Spain - Irun (Hendaye frontière)
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2009

IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14]   IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] EmptyJeu 4 Fév - 11:39

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IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14] Empty
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IrunGoBBowl 2010 [March 13-14]
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